
Posts Tagged ‘persecution’

Animal - Snake - ViperChristians, hundreds of thousands of them, are losing their homes, their churches, their businesses, their communities, and their lives at the hands of ambassadors to the “Religion of Peace” (Islam). Persecution by practitioners of this massive cult has recently reached an apex; this, in the days following the “Arab Spring”, another exercise in Orwellian propaganda.

(Note: Here, Orwellian refers to words or slogans that in practice and reality are the exact opposite of the message they intend to impart… “War is Peace”, “Freedom is Slavery”, “Ignorance is Strength”, “Islam is a Religion of Peace”, “Arabs are Awakening (as in Spring) and Receptive to Freedom and Tolerance”)

There has never been an Arab Spring; and most definitely not one in recent history. It is as much an invented myth as the “Religion of Peace” phrase causally tossed about today. At best one can hope the viper sleeps, but it will always be a viper. And it hasn’t slept in a long, long time.

Religion - Islam - Words

Practice another religion in a Muslin land? Islam will “tolerate” you only for so long; and only then through the practice of extortion (Jizya). The question is, which of two eventualities will happen first? Will you run out of money (tribute) or will the “Religion of Peace” run out of reason (and thus peace).

Religion - Islam - Moderate MythModerate Muslims out there? Both of you… I (and many others) may have bought into your bull$#@% a few years ago (for a little while), but no more. You’re silence is (yet again) deafening. Shame on you and your god! We know you! We know you by your fruits! (Matthew 7:15-20 in case you’re curious)

At the turn of the 20th century Christians made up 26% of the Middle East’s population. Now it has dwindled to less than 10% and much of that is due to the recent “Arab Spring” years. And this isn’t just happening in the tyrannical Muslim nations like Iran and Syria. It is also occurring within “allied” nations of Iraq, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia and it’s all state sponsored (or state tolerated).

No, of course we shouldn’t be surprised. After World War II the Arab armies tried to annihilate the re-established state of Israel. Failing that, they proceeded to purge 800,000 Jews from their lands. Such is now the fate of Christians; a fate that awaits all non-Muslims in those lands; and all non-Muslims in their own lands if Islam (the “Religion of Peace”) has its way.

There is only one bright spot in the whole Middle East where the Christian population has increased (having more than tripled in the last half century) and where Christians enjoy equality and actual peace with the non-Christian majority. In Israel.

Religion - Islam - Freedom Go to HellAgain, I would say that Islam needs to clean up its own mess; something we Americans have tried to do (rightly or wrongly) for decades with little success or even gratitude. I submit that it is the nature of Islam that is the problem; being the antithesis of tolerance, freedom, and democracy.

With that in mind, we Americans should wake up to that reality. At a minimum we need to change our immigration policy to limit the infiltration of such a malignant influence into our society. We should look to the troubles Europe is now facing to see our future if we do not rid ourselves of this viper.

“Did you not know that there is enmity and natural antipathy between your kind and mine? Did you not know that a serpent in the bosom, a mouse in a bag and fire in a barn give their hosts an ill reward?” (* From the Aesop’s Fable “The Farmer and the Viper” )

* This blog posting inspired by the following Editorial in the Wall Street Journal (The Middle East War on Christians)

Other Posts on the Subject of Islam and Jizya:
Jizya, Welfare, and State Sponsored Terrorism
Jizya – Defending my Position
More Jizya Anyone?

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Image1Never ask a liberal or a bureaucrat (redundant) how stupid do you think we (the public) are; because you probably won’t like the answer.

Case in point is the latest smoky posterior blowing attempted by IRS director Holly Paz, (she reported to IRS Commissioner Lois Lerner, who is currently on indefinite paid vacation). Holly Paz, I believe, still works for the IRS but has been reassigned. To date… no one has actually been fired or paid any price for the crimes committed.

According to Holly Paz, the term “tea party” was used within the IRS to describe ANY (left or right) organization suspected of political activity. Kind of like “Coke” is a general term for soda and “Kleenex” is a general term for tissue.

I call bullshit!

People - Paz, Holly - IRSMs. Paz… don’t you think if that were true there would be a few, just a few, liberal groups in the list of hundreds that were held up and questioned and put through hell. There weren’t; because YOU ARE LIEING, while under oath to Congress, its call perjury.

All I’ve seen from all the IRS personnel testifying is arrogance and indignant outrage that they are even being questioned concerning IRS scrutiny of conservative groups. Yes, they did it; but that was their job after all; to protect their interests from the enemies of the state and Party. And I guarantee you; they think they have the moral high ground in doing so. The smugness of their lies show it.

But as I’ve said about the left before, you have to admire her cojones. With a straight face, she goes before Congress and the American people, whips it out, and pisses all over everything while humming “Singing in the Rain”. These people have no shame, nor respect for the public they “service”. The arrogance and bald-faced lies are astounding.

Personally, I hope you (Ms. Paz) and your boss can someday share a jail cell.

Poster - Inspirational - Condescension

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Poster - Inspirational - CondescensionWhat really bothers me about the IRS scandal is that I’m still being treated like an idiot by the IRS and the Obama Administration. It’s bad enough that they think I’m an idiot, but to have the balls to repeatedly tell me they think I’m an idiot. THAT pisses me off! And of course by “me” I mean “we” the American people.

What am I talking about?

“Foolish mistakes were made by people trying to be more efficient in their workload selection… I do not believe that partisanship motivated [the actions by IRS personnel]. — Steven Miller Outgoing acting Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner

Mr. Miller doesn’t believe that. No one is THAT stupid. But his reaction to this scandal isn’t to try and fix it, not to try and find out what happened. A partisan IRS (as long as it leans left) is no problem as far as people like Miller are concerned. So he uses his arrogance and hatred for those philosophically different to say as much.

He may as well be saying, “I don’t have enough respect for you to even give you a plausible answer. Instead I think I’ll insult your intelligence with the most absurdly false statement I can make. You idiots need to watch my face as I say this… My guys were just trying to be efficient, not partisan… Oh, and by the way, kiss my curvy, white, leftist ass.”

Of course the IRS targeting was partisan! It’s the very definition of partisan! Only conservative, Christian organizations were targeted. Leftist organizations had no problems… none. What else would you all that!

Concept - Enough - SignEnough!

There is only one real solution here; an independent (from Obama and the Justice Department) prosecutor. Laws were broken. The only questions are by whom and at what level of the IRS (and possibly the Administration).

We have part of that answer. We’ve already identified about a half dozen IRS flunkies who implemented the partisan witch hunt. They broke the law whether they took orders from above or not. Let’s start by hauling all of them in before Congress. Let them testify under oath. Give them the opportunity to come clean, perjure themselves, or (most likely) repeatedly take the 5th. Then read them their Miranda rights, indict them, and move forward.

Lois Lerner, the partisan in charge of the division that persecuted conservatives, will appear before Congress today (Wednesday 5/22/13) and will indeed take the 5th. This is the same Lois Lerner that issued the initial apology-but-no-really (see An Apology? We Prize Nothing More Highly!) from the IRS and one of the first to assure us that this duck (conservative persecution by the IRS) was not a duck.

But hauling the miscreants before congress is EXACTLY what we need to be doing. It’s needs to be the first step before prosecution.

Lerner’s lawyer complains that since she has indicated that she intends to take the 5th; forcing her to appear “would have no purpose other than to embarrass or burden her.”

To which I would say “Really!? I genuinely hope embarrassment is the least of her worries and problems right now. And let us hope she is eventually burdened even further with indictment, prosecution and 6×8 ft. accommodations.”

But… for now… we don’t have the evidence to further burden Lois Lerner beyond the “embarrassment” of publically taking the 5th. So… back to the flunkies, who will be the key to all of this.

At a minimum the flunkies should lose their jobs, pensions (if possible) and anything else we can take under the law.

Crime - Prison Cells (with Border)“Now, about this prison term your facing. You say you were only taking orders from higher up? OK… we’ll take that under consideration, maybe even offer a deal in writing… contingent on convictions of said higher ups. But we want names, emails, proof, and testimony against them. (Are you hearing this Ms. Lerner?) That’s the deal; take it or leave it.

And I’ll be honest, I don’t know if political appointees (at the upper levels of the IRS) directed this crap or not. While I don’t think it’s likely that the flunkies acted on their own, it is possible. After all, they are bureaucrats; which by definition generally means leftist and Democrat.

The IRS and Obama want us to let this slide. Like all leftist political crime, they want to admit that “mistakes” were made, offer an un-genuine mea culpa and move on… no consequences for anyone, and worse, no changes to the system.

Anyone within the IRS (or the administration) who even knew this crap was going on should lose their jobs. (And there are many.) Anyone who was involved should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

It’s been almost three years (started in 2010) since these crimes began. It’s been almost a year (June 2011) since the IRS has known about the crimes. And it’s been a month (April 2013) since the Obama White House has known.

Release the dogs… It’s well past time for these crimes to be prosecuted… at whatever level they were committed.

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Christian Persecution

In a different blog posting (concerning Tim Tebow) my discussion with a friend moved into persecution of Christians in the United States. My friend mentioned how privileged we (Christians) are in the U.S. (not persecuted) and that Egyptian Christians are examples of real persecution. There is no denying our blessings here and the torment of the Egyptians… BUT…

“A righteous man was disliked by his neighbors for his beliefs. As punishment he was taunted, ridiculed, and made to stand knee deep in a pit of sewage. When he pointed out the injustice of his punishment he was informed that in other countries people with his beliefs are forced to stand waist and even neck deep in pits of sewage. The righteous man realized this to be true, repented, and was thankful for such good neighbors from then on.”

And the lesson of this story is, be thankful… No, No NO! This won’t do…

Greater injustice does not excuse or mitigate injustice.

The real ending of the story should be:

“The righteous man realized this to be true, but also realized that the only reason he was not standing neck deep in sewage was because his neighbors had yet to find the tools and/or the will to dig the pit deeper. The righteous man also realized that if he tolerated knee deep sewage, his children will be expected to tolerate waist deep sewage.”

I think we Christians in the United States are persecuted today; and I think it’s getting worse every year.

Now, it is really tough to say that when you consider the persecution of Christians in the Middle East (where the “religion of peace” reigns) or China (where leftist policies reign). We American Christians thankfully do not fear for our freedom or our lives. No, we are not persecuted to such a horrible extent; but to ignore the persecution we do suffer is to invite more.

While we Christians in the United States continue to enjoy the blessings of liberty, including our national holidays, we should remember that these are blessings afforded us by the sacrifices of our fore-fathers. Now these blessings are being eroded little by little. To take them for granted and excuse abuse because it’s not as bad as it could be is to jeopardize the passing of these blessings on to our children.

Look at the attacks on public prayer or displays of our heritage and faith. Look at the attacks on what is considered acceptable or decent in society. Look at the attacks on the basic institution of marriage. Look at the attacks on the Christmas holiday. Look at the attacks on the very sanctity of human life!

Who can look at these and say, there is no culture war?

We are to love and pray for our enemies; that doesn’t mean we are to ignore them or not fight for what is right. We ignore what is going on in this country at our own peril or worse that of our children.

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Mission Accomplished

I don’t mean this as a slam to Obama. But before we get all giddy about the death or deposition of all these tyrants in the Middle East we should remember the environment we’re working in. The greed, hatred, violence, and corruption are rampant and ingrained in the culture.

The Muslim culture has been so tainted by Islam that things like freedom and democracy are highly unlikely to take root. Do I mean this as a criticism of Islam? Yes. Do I mean this as a criticism of Muslims? Not completely. The Muslim culture is both the victim and facilitator; kind of like the German people during the Nazi regime.

I am not optimistic concerning the Arab Spring. We are more likely to see new tyrants replace the old; more Sharia Law, more persecution of Christians, and more terrorists. I hope I’m wrong, but I’m not.

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