
Posts Tagged ‘Holly Paz’

Image1Never ask a liberal or a bureaucrat (redundant) how stupid do you think we (the public) are; because you probably won’t like the answer.

Case in point is the latest smoky posterior blowing attempted by IRS director Holly Paz, (she reported to IRS Commissioner Lois Lerner, who is currently on indefinite paid vacation). Holly Paz, I believe, still works for the IRS but has been reassigned. To date… no one has actually been fired or paid any price for the crimes committed.

According to Holly Paz, the term “tea party” was used within the IRS to describe ANY (left or right) organization suspected of political activity. Kind of like “Coke” is a general term for soda and “Kleenex” is a general term for tissue.

I call bullshit!

People - Paz, Holly - IRSMs. Paz… don’t you think if that were true there would be a few, just a few, liberal groups in the list of hundreds that were held up and questioned and put through hell. There weren’t; because YOU ARE LIEING, while under oath to Congress, its call perjury.

All I’ve seen from all the IRS personnel testifying is arrogance and indignant outrage that they are even being questioned concerning IRS scrutiny of conservative groups. Yes, they did it; but that was their job after all; to protect their interests from the enemies of the state and Party. And I guarantee you; they think they have the moral high ground in doing so. The smugness of their lies show it.

But as I’ve said about the left before, you have to admire her cojones. With a straight face, she goes before Congress and the American people, whips it out, and pisses all over everything while humming “Singing in the Rain”. These people have no shame, nor respect for the public they “service”. The arrogance and bald-faced lies are astounding.

Personally, I hope you (Ms. Paz) and your boss can someday share a jail cell.

Poster - Inspirational - Condescension

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