
Posts Tagged ‘degree’

I know, I know, just think about them Birthers. Man those guys are so paranoid and goofy. Where do they come up with these conspiracy theories? Right? I say, let’s move on… to the next conspiracy theory?

Obama’s College Transcripts!

Why doesn’t he release them? Good grades, bad grades that happened thirty years ago? That can’t be it. Of course he wasn’t rich back then so he probably had loans and scholarships… which now that I think about it would have required him to maintain good grades. And he managed to jump from Columbia to Harvard… doesn’t that imply good grades? So why hide them?

Then I read a column by Greg Hengler. Who is he… well he’s not President of the United States. But he did graduate from Columbia University in 1983 and majored in Pre-Law and Political Science. Sound familiar? Probably not, but there must have been, oh, tens of people who did the exact same thing. Same major, same classes, same instructors, the same year (1983)… and ONE of them was Barack Hussein Obama (aka Barry Soetoro as he was known then).

Wow! What a conversation piece. [Hypothetical Quotes Here] “The President of the United States was one of my college alumnus, same year, same degree and everything… except… I don’t ever remember him in any of my classes…” “Yeah, that is strange but I guess it could happen… except… well… I’ve talked to other classmates and none of them remember him either… Yeah I thought I knew most if not all of them…” “He must not have been organizing too much back then, you know the quite kid in the back of the class… except… Fox News contacted 400 of my\his classmates and NONE of them remembered him either…strange.”

So what is Greg’s educated guess on what’s going on here.

“Obama got a leg up by being admitted to both Occidental and Columbia as a foreign exchange student. He was raised as a young boy in Indonesia. But did his mother ever change him back to a U.S. citizen? When he returned to live with his grandparents in Hawaii or as he neared college-age preparing to apply to schools, did he ever change his citizenship back? I’m betting not.” — Greg Hengler (Obama Columbia Classmate)

    If you could unseal Obama’s Columbia University records (Greg) believes you’d find that:

  1. He rarely ever attended class.
  2. His grades were not those typical of what we understand it takes to get into Harvard Law School.
  3. He attended Columbia as a foreign exchange student.
  4. He paid little for either undergraduate college or Harvard Law School because of foreign aid and scholarships given to a poor foreign students like this kid Barry Soetoro from Indonesia.

If this just a fishing expedition… I’d say it’s a bit more, because at least the guy was there and can prove it. Which is more than can be said by one Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama.

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What is the value of a college education? Well that depends…

    Some stats on college degrees:

  • An college degree can improve your chances of finding a job and how much you make.
  • Just a high school graduate, then expect to make 40% less.
  • Just a high school graduate, then expect to be twice as likely to be unemployed.

Well, shoot; my local community college offers a Bachelor in “Underwater Basket Weaving”, I can do that!

OK, before you hurt yourself, have you “thought” about that major of yours and what the consequences will be four years from now if/when you walk out into that big bad world with a degree?

Before you join the ranks of the 99% losers, protesting in tent cities, sleeping on mom and dad’s couch, demanding that Uncle Sam (and those with responsible degrees) pay for your mistakes, voting Democrat, and taking rather than contributing to society… why not think about your major?

Kiplinger recently studied the 100 most popular degrees. They considered recent and established graduates. They compared these degrees in terms of compensation, unemployment, and probability those with this degree work in retail (a profession not in their field and not requiring a college degree).

They found a lot of degrees that just weren’t really worth the effort or expense of four years of college. They even discovered that some majors fared worse than their peers who just went to work right out of high school. And remember those guys supposedly make 40% than average college graduates.

I know, I know… it’s not about the money; it’s the passion of what you love to do. You have no doubt in your mind that you will be in that 1% that makes it on Broadway or Hollywood, or the big Art Galleries… God luv’ ya!

But can’t you have a backup plan… maybe a minor in something marketable or useful?

OK… So here are the Bottom 10 majors from Kiplinger’s study. These majors will return the least amount of compensation and steady employment for your four year college investment. Please! Please consider the implications or at least be prepared to accept the consequences.

Worst College Majors for Your Career:
10. English
09. Sociology
08. Drama and Theater Arts
07. Liberal Arts
06. Studio Arts
05. Graphic Design
04. Philosophy
03. Film and Photography
02. Fine Arts
01. Anthropology

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So here I am with my little blog. Every now and then I write on something that seems so obvious, but getting my point across… now that’s a task that often evades me. When it comes to writing I’m no professional, though I’d like to think I’m an adequate amateur. I lack the time and resources needed to do proper research to back up my points. And often I lack the background needed to see the bigger picture. I could go on… but more on my inadequacies below…

Take the Occupy Movement. I’ve written on them several times and made it very clear I have little or no respect for the moment or the people who make it up. Like many movements, the group is made up of a rather diverse lot. So you ask yourself (I do); what brings them together? Some would say their hunger for social justice… but the anarchist, communists, and hippies wouldn’t agree much on that definition other than screw the guy who currently has the money. Once he has been properly punished and disposed of, they would pretty well eat each other. Nope, that’s not it. And before I go through the litany of answers, I’m going to be blunt and give my own answer. The one thing that ALL the Occupy Movement protesters have in common is: LOSERS. Ninety percent are losers and the other ten percent prey on losers.

Few (if any) have work ethics, and thus have no concept of what an honest day’s work is like. Most have hate issues of (the man, Jews, military, Christians, etc…) Some are there to party and destroy, seeking the protection a mob offers. Many are there to party, drink, dope up, and procreate. The educated have generally partied their way through school (or at least taken the easy route) and now have degrees with no practical application. They have ALL pretty well screwed up their lives and they ALL think they are owed something. Then there are the drug dealers who supply them, and the vultures (Hollywood, media, politicians) who want to use them for power.

My problem is, I thought they were something new; and I should have known better. It’s just common sense. There is nothing new under the sun and there never will be. The Occupy Movement is an age-old problem repeating itself… with dire consequences.

Leave it to Thomas Sowell to really break down the repeated history of the Occupy Movement and the consequences of these movements in the past.
Please Read: An Ignored ‘Disparity’: Part II

Not seeing these jokers as a repeating problem has also caused me to underestimate them. Hopefully they will be a flash in the pan because we fix the problem that creates them. If we don’t, then they simply become one of the many catalyst that will bring about our eventual and unavoidable downfall.

The solution to postpone this fate is that we must convince American culture that a college education is only valuable when it produces people with skills that actually contribute to society. An “uneducated”, trained, skilled laborer is much more valuable to himself, his family, his community, and society as a whole; than a dozen of these “educated” idiots/losers.

Creating such large numbers of educated losers is not only damaging to society, it has often been fatal as Professor Sowell has pointed out.

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