
Posts Tagged ‘President Obama’

People - Obama, Barack - Mickey Mouse EarsPresident Obama went to the bank to cash a check and he didn’t have his ID. And the teller said you’ve got to prove who you are.

He said, “How should I do that?” She said the other day Phil Mickelson came in, he didn’t have his ID but he set up a little cup on the ground, took a golf ball, putted it right into that cup so they knew it was Phil Mickelson. They cashed his check.

And then Andre Agassi came in. And Andre Agassi didn’t have his ID either. He put a little target on the wall, took a tennis ball and racquet — hit it onto that target. We knew that was Andre Agassi so we cashed his check.

And she said to him, “Is there anything you can do to prove who you are?” And Obama said, “I don’t have a clue.”

And she said, “Well, Mr. President, do you want your money in small bills or large bills.”

— A joke told by Mitt Romney at a campaign event in Iowa (Oct. 2014)

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President Obama won’t go to the border to see for himself just how bad things are. Why…

Political Cartoon - 2014 07 12 - Not Interested in Photo Ops

What a lying sack of $#%@! This presidency has been nothing but one photo op after another… and little else. #Incompetence

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“You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pre-text, It is serious in terms of sort of the modern manner with which nations are going to resolve problems. There are all kinds of other options still available to Russia. There still are. President Obama wants to emphasize to the Russians that there are a right set of choices that can still be made to address any concerns they have about Crimea, about their citizens, but you don’t choose to invade a country in order to do that.” — John Kerry, Secretary of State under Barack Obama

The Absurd in Fiction:
There a scene from the movie “The Adventures of Baron Von Munchausen” in which the city (maybe it was French) was under siege by Turks. In this scene a young soldier (played by Sting) is brought before the city magistrate (played by Jonathan Price) where it is reported that he stormed the lines, killed many enemy soldiers and saved his comrades in arms from certain death… to which the magistrate orders… that the soldier be shot immediately.

His crime… he did not know, understand, or appreciate the process by which enlightened men engaged in war. Supposedly, as the little people fought and died, the leaders, the elite, worked behind the scenes to decide who would win this time and how the spoils would be divided. This little escapade by an individual soldier acting on his own volition might upset that delicate balance of diplomacy practiced by the civilized elite.

It’s obvious in the movie that the Turks are humoring the magistrate with his little civilized negotiations as they slowly erode the city’s defenses. The magistrate is a fool who will hand over not only himself, but the population he is sworn to protect (but doesn’t give a dam about) by playing games of civility with barbarians; all the while assuming they are playing the same game.

Obama - NaiveteThe Absurd in Governance:
Barack Obama and John Kerry are such fools. Kerry so much as admitted it in the statement about 19th century behavior. They are aristocratic, bureaucratic, leftist waiting for tyrants to start playing by the new and improved civilized rules. And they give them every opportunity to do so. Starting with a quaint reset button with a wink and a nod. Now that the Russians don’t have to deal with a buffoon (Bush) all will be well (in the mindset of the left). They follow up with photo ops, kind and encouraging words, and now (as Kerry implores) another chance to turn to a right set of choices. Obama and Kerry think foreign policy is just an issue of getting Putin, and Iran, and North Korea to see the error of their ways and succumb to their superior logic and charm.

It’s not completely their fault. This naivete is really ingrained in the liberal mindset through their faith in man, or more precisely their faith in the evolution of man and his society. It’s what makes the concept of man-made utopias (like socialism) seem logical and achievable.

Rules is Rules:
Putin (and many like him) are under no such delusions or constraints. They don’t behave by the lefts 21st century rules of behavior; no more so than evil men abide by 19th century rules. Acting on such rules would be as absurd and stupid as believe they exist in the first place. There is no difference between the 21st or the 19th or the 15th or even the 1st century when it comes to the nature of man and how he conducts himself.

Years ago, Putin saw something he wanted in small state of Georgia. And he knew no one could/would stop him, so he took it. Does that sound familiar? It should; it’s been going on for thousands of years and guess what. It will continue to go on for thousands of more years (if God allows it to continue that long). We are not evolving. Our society is not evolving into a utopia. Even the self-proclaimed civilized among us would become petty tyrants if given half a chance.

Putin paid a dear price for his excursion into Georgia… I’m sure all the biting words hurled by the likes of the civilized severely impacted his appetite and/or sleep. But at least he got the message loud and clear… nothing will be done. If you see something else you want, take it. Thus Ukraine today. And do you think the fact that the west is currently led by the biggest pussy to ever hold the office warranted anything more than a chuckle from the likes of Putin?

The Price to be Paid for Years to Come:
There is NOTHING new under the sun; especially when it comes to the nature of men. The left does not know that simple fact and we in the west, and particularly the United States, will continue to pay a huge price for that ignorance inherent in leftism.

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