
Archive for January 2nd, 2015

Kitchen - Egg Timer - About to Go OffAs we reflect on the (hopefully) final ticking seconds off Wendy Davis’ fifteen minutes of fame; she exposes us to a common but persistent trait of the liberal mindset. Asked if she regrets anything concerning he failed campaign for Texas Governor, Wendy said “There is one thing that I would do differently in that campaign and it relates to the position that I took on open carry… I made a quick decision on that with a very short conversation with my team and it wasn’t really in keeping with what I think is the correct position on that issue… Though I certainly support people’s right to own and to bear arms in appropriate situations, I fear with open carry, having watched that issue unfold during the campaign, that it will be used to intimidate and cause fear. And this was the only time I felt like I’d strayed a bit from that.” Leftist politicians must often lie to hide who they really are in order to be viably electable. But then once the election is over (win or lose) they fret that their progressive credentials may be damaged in the eyes of their comrades. They panic and reveal the lie using the excuses of evolving, or being misunderstood. The really good practitioners of the leftist arts tell us they never changed at all, but rather it was us (the unwashed) who were too stupid to understand what they were really saying. People - Davis, Wendy - Texas Governor Candidate 2013 - 003

In Wendy’s case it was a decision she and (more importantly) her team got wrong. Wendy Davis really didn’t support open carry before or after the “short conversation with [her]team”. She knew it. Her team knew it. In that meeting they didn’t decide after careful consideration that they supported the issue, but rather that they would lie about their support of the issue for political expediency. Now since that lie didn’t pay any dividends and the election is over Wendy feels she can safely take a swipe at the second amendment and it’s supporters (who had the gall to not be fooled by her lie). Her coming clean is also meant to reassure her leftist comrades that she was and is still in their camp. Also notice Wendy’s statement that she supports the second amendment “in appropriate situations”. While this may be true in her mind, she intentionally makes a point to omit the details of “appropriate situations”. It’s another lie wrapped in semantics, and Wendy like much of the left is an artists when it comes to this practice. I assure you that the “appropriate situations” are not the freedoms we enjoy today. Yet she conveniently never found the opportunity to verbalize those situations in the campaign (a lie of omission). Given a chance (the Governorship) Wendy would have moved Texas forward with her un-verbalized appropriate leftist restrictions.

But, alas, this is Texas. Unfortunately not all politicians of Wendy’s sort are limited by Texas’ common sense. Thus… you can keep you doctor, until it’s obvious you can’t; you support the sanctity of marriage, until the polls swing your way; you support the pipeline, as long as you never have to actually vote on it; you want the greatest military in the world, as you gut it behind the scenes…

Sign - Left Turn OnlyThe point is, leftist often support issues key to our Constitution, freedom, and social fabric… until they evolve, or reevaluate, or whatever liberals do. It’s a way of sitting in the middle of the road (with you right-hand blinker on) until circumstances or opportunity compel you to turn left. In truth a progressive never supports these issues from the beginning. They were always going to turn left, but choose to subversively undermine hated issues and polices while misleading the public on their true stance. BUT when the undermining is complete (or in Wendy’s case ineffective), they are free (even compelled) to reveal their true colors. On behalf of those who really do support the Second Amendment (and freedom, and the social fabric, and the rest of the Constitution) I would like to thank Wendy Davis to affirming our suspicions. It’s good to know the leftist bull-sh!t meter is still working just fine. Now, Wendy Davis; please… go away… 14:56… 57… 58… 59… 🙂

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