
Posts Tagged ‘Rick Perry’

Texas Governor Rick Perry

There’s a lot of speculation that Rick Perry, Governor or Texas is going to run for President in 2012. Everybody and his dog who knows the governor has denied it.

Perry himself has said “Oh, I can’t say I’m not tempted, but the fact is: this is something I don’t want to do.”

Will He? Won’t He? Duh!
Let me settle this once and for all. Rick Perry WILL seek the Republican nomination for President of the U.S. The “want to” decision was made many years ago. The “will” decision was made as soon as it became obvious that Barack Obama was inept and could be beat; a little over a year ago. Now, Perry has simply set in motion a plan to make it appear that he’s been drafted by a groundswell of support.

This fact alone pisses me off. This is the crap the Democrats pull. Appearance over substance… and Governor Goodhair is an artful practitioner. You want to jump in the race… do it… but be a man about it. Don’t pretend something just happened that didn’t; it shows you don’t care about the truth.

Can Fool Even the Best
As a conservative, I don’t make this announcement with much glee. Rick Perry is far from being a true conservative. Sure he goes for the appearance thing and to do that he has to maintain some conservative stances on issues. But I (and many other conservatives in Texas) get that gut feel that deep down he lacks THE true faith and convictions of a conservative. The best way to put it is he’s not bonafide!

Unfortunately, the smile, the hair and charisma have some national conservatives fooled. They need to be talking to their Texas counterparts.

Where’s the Conservative?
Two issues in Texas have exposed his lack of conservative credentials.

1) The Trans Texas Corridor
This boondoggle was/is the kind of stuff you expect to see in Massachusetts (like the Big Dig). It would have 1) used Texas’ eminent domain power to confiscate land from Texas citizens, 2) built a transportation and communications “superhighway” across the state, and 3) then turned the whole thing over to private business buddies to charge tolls and fees to the citizens to paid to build the thing int he first place.

Texas immediately saw it for what it was and put a stop to it. Demonstrating his country club, good-ole-boy Republican credentials, Perry refused to abandon the project and I’m not sure he has yet.

2) Property Taxes
Texas funds its schools through property taxes. Years ago, it became obvious that local taxing authorities were increasing their revenue by just increasing the appraised value of property; amounting to huge tax increases without accountability. Tax bills where doubling every few years. Citizens clamored for relief, asking Perry and the Legislature to at least limit the yearly increase to 5%.

Perry didn’t give a crap and said as much; calling it a local problem.

He Can Win… But…
Governor Rick Perry has the smile, the hair, and the charisma to take on Barack Obama in the 2012 election. And I think he would have a good chance to win. And don’t get me wrong, he’d be a hell of a better President that Obama or any other Democrat/Socialist that comes to mind.

BUT, c’mon guys… there are some real conservatives out there… some running, some we could draft. We can do a lot better than Rick Perry.

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