
Posts Tagged ‘Gaza’

Dog - (cartoon) - Lifting LegA Monday (7/14/1014) Wall Street Journal article mentioned various world crises such as Gaza, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Ukraine and the South China Sea. The article said “the breadth of global instability now unfolding hasn’t been seen since the late 1970s.”

Citing Iranian nuclear talks, the conflict in and around Gaza, and the Syrian civil war, Fox News White House correspondent Ed Henry asked Josh Earnest (the new Obama Administration Press Secretary), “How does the White House react to the notion that the president is a bystander to all these crises?”

The answer…

“I think that there have been a number of situations in which you’ve seen this [Obama] administration intervene in a meaningful way, that has substantially furthered American interests and substantially improved the, uh, you know, the – the tranquility of the global community.” — Obama Press Secretary Josh Earnest

The obvious follow-up question (which I’m sure Ed Henry was not allowed to ask) would be, “Can you name ONE.”

Maybe it’s me. Maybe my partisan haze prevents me from seeing ANY of the “meaningful”, “substantial”, “tranquil” improvements ushered in by this administration’s intervention. I don’t think so, but maybe some of my leftist friends can enlighten me. The fact that even some leftist are now admitting the man’s ineptitude, I hope, give weight to my observations.

So from this perspective let me again say that the Obama administration (along with many leftist leaders like Reid and Pelosi) befuddle me. I just can’t figure them out. Do they really believe what they say, or is this some political game where they know they can get away with such statements?

Looking at this answer given by Josh Earnest specifically; it’s factually absurd. No rational human being would think anything other than the exact opposite is the truth. The statement even has an Orwellian nature to it.

Concept - Get Inside Head, GearsI have to question the message hidden in the answer. I can think of only three possibilities
1) The real message to Ed (the reporter) and to conservatives is “^%$# you!” We’re going to just say the damnedest things to prove to you just how broken the system is and that we can get away with it.
2) This answer is meant for consumption by their base, the Kool-Aid drinkers. The leaders (like Josh Earnest) know it’s bullsh!t, but will spoon-feed this crap to the base via the Main Stream Media.
3) They (the administration) actually believe this crap themselves; which would bring up question of how such mass-delusion is humanly possible. (Maybe a question for Dr. Charles Krauthammer)

I admit it. It drives me mad that I don’t know the motivation behind the absurdly maddening statements made by the left’s leaders. These statements are not the exception but are practically the rule coming from this administration. And while Republican administrations have tried to emulate this art of diversion and deception, their attempts pale in scope (of untruth) and sheer volume.

If only I could get into the minds of these scoundrels to understand why? But then what is in there might be the very definition of madness…

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